Batteries are Key for Electrification
The Lithium-Ion (EV) Battery Market and Supply Chain Market drivers and emerging supply chain risks ENERGY
AyBeOn Energy Park (AEP) provide an integrated and sustainable approach to energy generation, storage, and distribution. Through diversification of energy sources, synergies among technologies, grid stabilization, localized energy generation, and research and innovation, AEP offers numerous advantages in terms of energy efficiency, resilience, environmental benefits, and driving the transition to a more sustainable energy future.
The Lithium-Ion (EV) Battery Market and Supply Chain Market drivers and emerging supply chain risks ENERGY
The report makes available two online tools: the Global EV Data Explorer and Global EV Policy Explorer, which allow users to interactively explore EV statistics and projections, and policy measures worldwide. MOBILITY
We are finding that digitalization is becoming increasingly important to a wide variety of energy sectors. Furthermore, with digital and smart technologies changing so rapidly, there are many unknowns about how technology, behavior and policy will evolve over time and how these dynamics will impact energy systems into the future. INDUSTRY
A key benchmark for the building stock to meet net zero emissions goals is the implementation of mandatory zero-carbon-ready codes for the residential and commercial sectors by 2030. Just 5% of new buildings were zero-carbon-ready in 2020, and an array of advanced technologies, regulations and policies are needed to reach the 100% target by 2030. INFRASTRUCTURE
How investors are assessing risks and opportunities across all areas of fuel and electricity supply, critical minerals, efficiency, research and development and energy finance. FINANCE-INVEST
Technology continues to be a primary catalyst for change in the world. Technology advances give businesses, governments, and social-sector institutions more possibilities to lift their productivity, invent or reinvent offerings, and contribute to humanity’s well being. Applied AI recorded the highest innovation score of all 14 trends, while clean energy drew the most interest and investment.
A Technology company focused on Energy, Industry, Infrastructure, Mobility A team of inventors, innovators and experts who leverage the power of energy and intelligence to design and implement cutting-edge solutions that address the challenges and opportunities. We work closely with our customers and partners to reinvent their companies and industries and deliver value-added services that enhance their performance, resilience and competitiveness, to become more sustainable and Ay Be On . . .